Right to Education is one of the fundamental rights of every Indian citizen. Idyllic Institute of Management believes that money should not be a road block for a student with innovative ideas in his mind and passion in his heart. We extend scholarships and financial assistance to meritorious students based on their academic achievements.

Master of Business Administration (MBA) Plain and Global

Graduation (%) Scholarship (%)
80 and above 10
70-79.99 8
60-69.99 5

Scheme based

Single Girl Child     5


  • Academic performance of a student shall be the sole criteria for continuation of the scholarship. Scholarships starting from highest slab shall be granted based on the position in merit list prepared in FIRST COME FIRST SERVE basis.
  • Scholarship continuation eligibility: Minimum 8.00 CGPA and 75% attendance.
  • Scholarship will be awarded on Tuition Fee only. (Foreign Tour charges shall not be included)
  • Scholarship would not apply if there is gap between academic sessions.
  • Last date to avail scholarship is 30th September’2020.
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